The Benefits of Aloe Vera on the Skin
Aloe is known as the lily of the desert, it’s teaming with vitamins A and B, folic acid, enzymes, proteins, amino acids, fatty acids, and triglycerides it’s a powerhouse of healing properties. Aloe has been used for thousands of years as a skin gel and as an anti-inflammatory cream. In the cosmetic industry, aloe vera is very popular and is seen as the best, and most highly beneficial replacement for water. Though it shouldn’t come as a surprise because it consists of 90% nutritious water[1].
Aloe is almost a magical plant, it’s used to treat wounds, prevent and re-grow lost hair, resolve digestive issues and hemorrhoids, etc. Little wonder then its juice is used as moisturizers, soap, shaving cream, sunbath lotion, and lots more. Aloe vera benefits the skin in varied ways ranging from the repair of broken skin, treatment of psoriasis, acne, itchiness, and more!
Benefits of aloe vera for the skin
Hydration - Studies[2] have shown that aloe vera can help in the hydration of dry skin because of its high H2O content. Although it can help moisturize or heal dry skin, when overused, aloe vera can cause dry skin itself because of the enzymes it contains which act as an exfoliator (remover of old dead skin). Any time the skin is exfoliated much with aloe vera, it causes a negative reaction and depending on the skin type, it can make the skin too dry or too oily. Moderation is key!
Eczema - Aloe vera has been proven to help ease dry and itchy skin that is often associated with eczema. Furthermore, aloe vera helps alleviate seborrheic dermatitis (an oily form of eczema) which can be found in the scalp, in part of the face and behind the ear.
Can it prevent sunburn?
Sunburn -Though aloe vera can help soothe sunburn, it is not a preventive gel against it. Be it mild, moderate or severe sunburn, aloe vera eases some of the pain when applied directly to the affected area.
Skin irritation - The gel of aloe vera is a natural skin care treatment for minor skin irritation and even ulcers. It contains anthraquinone which have the same effect as anesthetics. Medically, its properties help fight off bacteria, increase blood flow, help dilate capillaries, while also helping to soothe pain and itching.
Healing injuries - Aloe vera has been used for thousands of years to repair, heal and, soften broken skin because it contains antioxidant and speeds up the production of collagen a fiber that keeps the skin strong and flexible. Studies and practices have shown that when aloe vera is applied to a wound or an injury in the skin, the area tends to heal quicker
How can aloe vera be used on the body
·      As a skin healing mask
·      Sunburn healing gel
·      Skin moisturizer
·      Hair and scalp treatment gel
Aloe vera provides a natural way of treating many skin ailments like acne, eczema, frostbite, etc. Though good and medicinal, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, there is no substantive evidence to support many of its accredited benefits. It’s recommended that aloe be used in moderation for best results.